CGPA to Percentage Calculator

Convert your CGPA to percentage easily with our CGPA to percentage calculator. Learn the formula and get accurate results for job applications and academic purposes

CGPA Calculator: Convert CGPA to percentage

Percentage : —

CGPA Calculator: Convert Percentage to CGPA

CGPA ≈ —

Students in various education systems across the globe should have knowledge of their scores in one way or the other If you are in an institution which earns CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average), and you are in a process of attaining higher learning institution or a job which requires a percentage score then you will most probably be in position to convert CGPA into percentage. Actually while following through this specific article, the reader will be informed on how to easily convert CGPA to percentage and vice versa and also why this specific conversion process is important and also we will be providing him/her with a simple CGPA to percentage converter

What is CGPA?

CGPA stands for Cumulative Grade Point Average which can be explained as the most basic system of grading prevalent in schools, colleges and universities. It provides an overview of a student progress within a term, mid term or a particular given time, normally a semester or an academic year. While other assessment methods focus at grading the right mark or percentage, CGPA engages in grading the assessment of credit hours by grade point.

CGPA is most often calculated on a 10 point scale or on a different point scale as may be the case with a university. For instance, while 8.5 CGPA is universally regarded as really good, it is sometimes useful to know that it translates to approximately 85 percent, depending on the country and the type of job or proceedings. One can use CGPA Calculator to calculate CGPA.

Why convert CGPA to Percentage?  

Most organizations, particularly foreign universities or certain companies, prefer results in percentage as opposed to the CGPA. In such cases you will need to convert the CGPA to percentage as required in the application process.

Different institutions may follow different formulas for this conversion, but the most common formula used in India is:

Percentage = CGPA × 9.5

This 9.5 was standardized though the performance of all students across the country to achieve a better multiplier of 9.5. However, other formulas may be used depending on your system of education that you are in.

How to Convert CGPA to Percentage: Formula Breakdown

To help you convert your CGPA to percentage manually, here’s the step-by-step process:

1. Identify Your CGPA: Get your CGPA score from the latest report or transcript of the course that you are currently taking.

2. Use the Formula: Multiply your CGPA by 9.5.

3. Get Your Percentage: And this, in turn, gives the percentage score which you obtain on the test.

For example:

If your CGPA is 8.0, the calculation would be:

8.0 × 9.5 = 76%.

Applying the CGPA to Percentage Calculator

If you do not wish to do the calculations yourself then there are CGPA to percentage calculators available online. It is very useful when you wish to have fast results with your analysis. Here’s how you can use it:

1.Enter Your CGPA: Now to calculate the new CGPA score, you enter your current CGPA score in the calculator.

2. Click Calculate: Press the ‘Calculate’ button on the screen and you will have your percentage score right away.

3. Result: The calculator will also have the ability to convert your CGPA to a percentage for you.

Example using the calculator:

For example, if you enter the CGPA 9.2. After clicking calculate, the result would be:

9.2 × 9.5 = 87.4%.

Calculator for CGPA to percentage saves time and application when doing several conversions or when needed on the fly for application.

Advantages of a CGPA to Percentage Calculator

1.  Instant Results: Calculator gives instant results hence relief from the extra efforts and time used.

2. Accuracy: Manual calculations are sometimes prone to errors but this calculator gives accurate results all the time.

3. Ease of Use: It doesn’t matter whether you are comfortable with the numbers or math, the calculator solves it all.

4. Free and Online: There are so many online calculators for converting CGPA to percentage and they are free.

Differences Between CGPA and Percentage

1.Grading System: CGPA is based on grades while percentage deals with actual marks that a students gets.

2.Range: The CGPA has a scale of 0 to 10 (or other scale depending on the country of study) while percentage has a scale of 0 to 100.

3.Purpose: CGPA gives an overall summary of students’ performance without necessarily giving an account of individual subject performance while percentage gives a detailed account of the marks obtained.

4.Ease of Understanding: For example, percentage are more understandable for people in comparison with other measures of scores, especially in countries where percentage-based score is more familiar..